Friday, November 14, 2008

Site Moving

Well, well, well. People, it seems that the time has come for me to

Yup, we're moving site so sit on tight. You can find my new site under the blogroll. Anyway, the link's here and if you wish to check out my other site its here. In about a week from now, all of the darkemperors series of blogs on blogger would be deleted save for one. The deleted content could be found on the new wordpress blog. And all of them. Why do I move? Simply for convenience. Wordpress offers better organization for blogging which reduces the burden of having to maintain so many blog at once (what I'm currently doing). Be sure to check them out.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Samurai

They were the knights of Medieval Japan. Obedient to their unforgiving code of ethics, these men were the absolute rulers of Japan for more than 700 years. An elite warrior class, they were masters of the sword and bow, and the warriors the fearsome Mongol Horde never lived to conquer.

While there were indeed many warrior classes that had reigned over nations and territories throughout our planet's history, none has ever surpassed the samurai in its influence on the way of life of its people. These men held fast to the code of bushido, or way of the warrior, and are willing to throw their lives for the lord whom they served. Now, with numerous historical evidences all rolled into a single documentary, we will see the recreation of the history of these knights that carved the Japanese way of life, the Samurai.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

The Warrior's Blog

Finally, another blog. Well, not much to say except that I hope people will find what I have to showcase interesting. Anyway, this blog is, as its title suggest, dedicated to posts on warriors. Specific warrior classes or warlike people, from the Spartans, the Knights Templar, the Teutonic Order to the Samurai of Medieval Japan. Of course, many, many more. So, just look forward to it and enjoy!